KSMBOA: Revitalization for SMEs

Why do you focus so much on SMEs? Well if you ask me, SMEs are extremely important for India since they contribute to more than 40% of India’s GDP, which is a lot more than most other enterprises do. India currently has more than 48 million SMEs and India’s government has promised to make business a less traumatic process for entrepreneurs. SMEs in India have seen exponential growth over the last decade. However, funds focusing on SMEs are having difficulties in raising money, among other challenges. The reality is that although this sector plays a vital role in giving a boost to the overall GDP, it is still overlooked by the corporate sector & the Government. Not much is being done to promote their healthy growth and development. SMEs expect focus on key challenges and want definitive schemes and programs to help solve pending matters.

Karnataka Small & Medium Business Owner’s Association (KSMBOA) is the apex body that is determined in bringing together all the SME’s in Karnataka and to promote the best practices in the industry, by providing SMEs with the best resources and methods they need to face the challenges. KSMBOA identifies the strengths and weakness of SMEs in their business, it facilitates the largest network of successful entrepreneurs from Karnataka and creates a unique networking platform to enhance business opportunities. Be part of KSMBOA’s knowledge base and get educated and trained in various aspects of running a successful Business.

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